Insights,Address verification16 December 2019
Primary Parcel ID
A primary parcel is a basically a legally described portion of land.

100% of the country is covered with these parcels like a massive patchwork quilt. It might be an oversimplification but each parcel is defined by where it is (location and boundaries) and what is it for (intended purpose). Purposes include things like roading, rivers and crown land but the most common purpose relating to Addressfinder is Fee Simple.
What can I use the Primary Parcel ID for?
The ID by itself tells you nothing but when cross referenced with other datasets, made accessible by LINZ and local councils, it can prove very useful. Primary Parcel IDs can unlock information such as:
- Titles
- Appellations
- Land area
- Property owners details
- Easements
How do I collect this ID from Addressfinder?
If you are using the widget then all you need to do is include an extra line in the code which tells it to collect the primary_parcel_id at the same time as the selected address. Take a look at line 19 of this code example —
And if you are making use of the direct APIs then the data will already be included in the response so you will just need to pull it into your database.
Need help joining this ID with other datasets?
Setting up your system to collect this information is usually fairly straight forward but using these ID to pull other data through from related data sources can be difficult.
If you need help with this get in touch.
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